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Erez Marom Photography

Behind the Shot - Tambora Sandwich

Posted on 14th July, 2024

I'd like to tell you a nice story about mistakes, drone crashes, coincidences and one very cool shoot in which I took a panorama of Tambora Volcano in Indonesia. Tambora is a volcano on the island of Sumbawa. In 1815, Tambora produced the largest volcanic eruption in recorded human history, which spewed 37-45 cubic kilometers (8.9-10.8 cubic miles) of rock, weighing about 10 billion tons, into the atmosphere. This left a caldera measuring 6-7 km across and 600-700 m (2,000-2,300 ft)...

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On Originality in Landscape Photography

Posted on 8th December, 2022

I wrote this article deep in Covid times. It was a rough time for a nature photographer who makes a living shooting around the world. This kind of time period sometimes makes us artists think about our life missions and convictions, and delve deeper into our beliefs and the way we view our art and what makes it worthwhile. While some people don't see photography as art, I definitely do, and for that reason I feel that a discussion is needed about what makes photography an art form...

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Landscape Photography with a Drone - Part 6: Disadvantages and Limitations (b)

Posted on 19th January, 2022

In the previous article I wrote about the basic disadvantages and limitation of the drone: it depends on batteries, has limited range, flight altitude and speed, all of which put it at a disadvantage compared to shooting from a manned aircraft. Granted, the drone is a very different tool to a manned aircraft, but I compare the two to emphasize that the photographer should be aware of the advantages and limitations of each option when planning a shoot. This time, I would like to discuss...

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Landscape Photography with a Drone - Part 5: Disadvantages and Limitations (a)

Posted on 19th January, 2022

So far, I've offered nothing but praise for the drone. It's a remarkably cheap and widely available tool. You can fly it anywhere, get infinite perspectives and unique compositions. It can easily hover in place to shoot long exposures or wait for the right time to shoot. It will venture where no human will, be it through toxic gases or scorching lava. And it is so much fun. But the drone has its disadvantages and limitations, and that is the subject for today. Discussing these...

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Landscape Photography with a Drone - Part 4: Advantages (c)

Posted on 19th January, 2022

  In the previous articles in this series, I elaborated about the advantages of the drone, specifically that the drone offers more compositional opportunities, is cheap to run, portable, available anywhere and able to hover in place. In this article I'd like to conclude the discussion of the drone's advantages by mentioning its ability to hover in place and its most fun facet: its fearlessness in the face of danger.   Ability to hover The ability to...

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Landscape Photography with a Drone - Part 3: Advantages (b)

Posted on 12th February, 2020

In the previous article in this series, I elaborated about the compositional advantages of the drone compared to land-based shooting. I claimed that the drone offers infinitely more compositional opportunities, which results from the fact that the photographer isn't bound to the ground. This allows better perspectives and separation of the compositional elements. On this article I'd like to talk about two more advantages of shooting with a drone, which particularly relate to the...

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Landscape Photography with a Drone - Part 2: Advantages (a)

Posted on 9th February, 2020

In the first article of this series I explained what drones are, how they are built and controlled by the user. The next question to naturally arise is "why does one need a drone?". What is a drone good for, and why should you get one? The answer to this question is long and complicated, but could be summed up by saying that a drone gives the photographer opportunities for shots not achievable in any other way. That's quite the statement, but I stand behind it strongly, and I intend...

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Landscape Photography with a Drone - Part 1: Gear Basics

Posted on 8th February, 2020

Ever since I started shooting landscapes, I was fascinated with aerials. There's little doubt that aerial photography offers a very different perspective on a landscape, not to mention the excitement one experiences when witnessing nature from a bird's eye viewpoint. I have written extensively about the good and the bad, as well on the reasons for shooting aerials in the first article of my series about aerial photography. But drone photography is VERY different to being up there...

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Black Hole Sun: Shooting the Total Solar Eclipse in Argentina

Posted on 16th January, 2020

In mid 2019 I traveled to Argentina to shoot the total solar eclipse that took place July 2nd. This was going to be my first total eclipse experience, and I was very motivated to make the most out of it. Northern Argentina is quite a ways from home - about 20 hours in the sky - but several things about this specific eclipse made it worth the effort. First of all, the path of totality was going through the Argentinean desert - a vast place full of photographic potential - which allowed my...

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Demon of the Deep: Shooting Kawah Ijen Volcano

Posted on 16th January, 2020

In early 2019 I had a fantastic trip to South East Asia. After 13 years without setting foot there (a bit of a frightening number – the last time was before I ever held a DSLR!), I was getting a serious itch that had to be scratched. I was craving the feel of Asia, its food, wildlife and landscapes. When I found the right partner to join me, I jumped on the opportunity and booked my flights. While this wasn't purely a shooting trip (I also spent time in Malaysia, Singapore and Hong...

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