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Erez Marom Photography

There are many other photographers out there, guiding trips and wokshops in spectacular places around the world. Why should you give me your hard-earned money then? There are many answers to this question, and I'll try listing them below.

  • Photography, traveling, and teaching - three things I specialize in, and are an absolute must when you're guiding people on photographic adventures. I've been a professional photographer for over a decade now, and have gained international acclaim and publication in the field of nature photography. I'm also a rugged nomad, having traveled in over 60 countries around the world. This means that I'll be ready to solve a tough situation should something happen. Finally, with 15 years teaching photography and 10 years of academic teaching in Israel's finest institutions, I believe that I have the skill and expertise to give you the attention you need to advance and make the most out of your trip.
  • Safety always comes first. All my photo workshops are organized in full cooperation with local experts and guides. I trust myself as a photographic guide, but I never take chances and only trust my safety with trained, experienced professionals. I'm well connected in all the workshop locations, and so even in the rare case that something wrong happens, we have all the means to ensure your continued well-being. I am also a certified medic, able to handle problematic situations in the field if necessary.
  • Contrary to other workshops and photo tours, I believe in spending long stretches of time in fewer locations. I see no point in jumping from place to place - instead I make sure the workshop participants get acquainted with the area, getting to know its secret spots and achieving the best shots in the best weather conditions. This is only possible when spending enough time.
  • Whereas other operators lead tours where they've never been (you wouldn't believe how many of them do that) and often send junior guides who aren't the ones who shot the images you saw on the brochure - I lead all of my trips personally, and spend good time scouting the locations prior to guiding you.
  • I offer help above and beyond teaching in the field. My clients are encouraged, and feel free to, ask questions on any subject related to the workshops, at any time whatsoever. I'm always available to help you before and after the workshop, not only during it. 
  • My workshops offer some of the best value for money in the world. They are not cheap, but your money goes into better facilities, better co-guides, better staff, better lodging and food and better features. Every workshop has unique features: super jeeps, boats sails, helicopter or Cessna flights. I do everything I can to make the workshops memorable and give you the best possible return for your investment.
  • Last but not least, I love my job. Guiding with a smile on my face makes an incredible difference in the field. I'm a nice, outgoing, helpful guy who loves to meet people and travel with them to unique locations. Fun is what you'll get with me, and that's every bit as important as photographic skill.